On The Road Of Life, There Are Many Assholes...
Ok for those out there that didn't know... and that's probably everybody... I want to be a game designer. I am currently in an online college to do so. However, the fact that I am on the road trip to my dreams has not sat well with a few fucking assholes. Let me do the Rabid Cheese Monkey Play-By-Bite List and tell you the potholes in the road that I just call assholes:
- My Ex-Brother-In-Law and closet homosexual told me one night that I was WRONG to chose my dreams over my ex-wife if she DID NOT support me in them. He said also that he had to throw away his for his wife (who is the queen bitch of that family). He wanted to be a cop. He wanted to be in the Army or some military branch. He wanted to be a coach in the local High School football team. What is he now? A Pepsi truck driver with 2 spoiled rotten brats that he don't have to watch or take care of because the special ed inbred family his wife is from takes care of them 24/7. So he says he is content with his life and makes excuses as to why he won't proceed with following any new dreams.
- My best friend from my former work place (hey, a rabid monkey needs money....) is getting married to this guy. Of course I don't know him and he don't know me. Yet that didn't stop him from telling me his two cents about my life at the gas station one night. Told me that taking online classes (even though they are ACCREDITED CLASSES) are NOT the same as going to an actual college. Told me that he and my friend make $3k a month (funny that he told me that while they are driving a POS car) . Told me to find a local woman and stop acting like a high rolling millionaire on the internet and then said he knows what I do online. BUT THE WORST AND THE ASS RIPPING PART WAS WHEN HE CALLED MY DEAREST FRIEND IN NJ, A WOMAN HE DOES NOT KNOW, A BITCH!!!
- I told my Leach brother about this... and in a true YOUNGER brother style tells me that game colleges are a joke because that is what he hears at his college of art. Then agrees that maybe I should look for a local woman.
Ok in response, I say this: YOU MOTHER FUCKING [Cuss-A-Thon©] PIECES OF SHIT EATING [Cuss-A-Thon©] [Cuss-A-Thon - Now with extra Rabies!©] ...catching breath... FUCKING [Cuss-A-Thon©] WITH YOUR MOM AND A HORSE!!!! GO INTO A CLOSET AND FUCK YOURSELF AND WHILE YOU ARE AT IT - SHUT THE MOTHER FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!
Let me start my biting and infecting of rabies:
Ok, I hate to aim my double barrel shit gun at my younger brother, but he isn't right. See, all his life he has felt that he is above everyone for some reason. Now, if you have seen his leaches site you'd know that he has some serious points that are on the money. HOWEVER BEING RIGHT ON SOME ISSUES DOES NOT MAKE YOU GOD!!! He said that Game Colleges are considered a joke. I hate to break it to him this way, BUT SO IS ART COLLEGE!!! See, you don't have to go to college to become an artist or animator. Art colleges are also the blunt end of numerous jokes... I have yet to hear one one about game colleges... Also, to use the same words he said to me, all art and even game colleges are is a way to create a portfolio and make connections. Mind you a very expensive one, but a portfolio and connections nonetheless. What I am doing is no different than what he is doing. Only difference is that... well guess what... THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE! ONLY REAL DIFFERENCE IS SO OBVIOUS I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO SAY, BUT I WILL BECAUSE I KNOW RETARDS WILL MISS THE POINT: THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THAT I AM DOING GAME DESIGN AND HE IS DOING ANIMATION!!! Also on a side note I should mention this: He heard this from his ART teachers who MAY HAVE been in the game industry. I am with instructors learning about game design THAT HAVE BEEN OR STILL ARE IN THE GAME INDUSTRY. Is there a difference? If you say no, I have to question if you are a sentient being...
Also, if game design schools are such a joke - Why the fuck have them in all sorts of game developing publications (and by publications, I mean "not seen in the public eye form of publications") and make them hard as hell to get into? I don't see his college in any of these magazines or on there websites. This is just another thing that people that know my leach brother do not see. He lives in his own world and will miss or not get even the most simple concepts, and the concepts he conceives are 100% right to him even if its 100% wrong to the rest of the universe. So its highly probable, using the filter I have had to use on him in the 24 or so years of his life that a college instructor told him "Game colleges are not widely accepted [bolding this to show what he may have missed] RIGHT NOW". So he took that as "Game colleges are a joke". Well, my point here is fuck you and I am doing this joke or not. I still got love for ya Leach brother... just don't stomp on my dreams with your distorted view on reality.
Also, I should metion that I am not a hypocrite. I have never thrashed his dreams or spoken anything negative about them. Am I jealous that he is in a college known for its students? No, not really. He may beat me to the finish line when it comes to accoplishing dreams, but then again who said it was a race? What matters is that I AM going to fulfill my dreams. It may have taken me a while and has been a long road to get to this point, but I will become a game designer. Its sad that he, my own brother, wants to thrash my dreams despite my unwavering support in his. However, this is a typical manuver for him. Thrash another to feel better about one self... and if he does that with his own flesh and blood, think what he does for others...
Now onto the closet gay I will refer to from this point forward as Fat Gay Bob. Ol' Fat Gay Bob told me to throw away my dreams if my ex didn't want to be behind me in the dreams. He then proceeded to tell me how he wanted to be a coach, a cop, and a army man but threw them away for his wife. He told me how my priorities are wrong and how he was content being a Pepsi truck driver. Well... Gay Bob forgot to tell me one thing - HIS DREAMS WERE NOT THROWN AWAY BY HIM, THEY WERE TAKEN AWAY FROM HIM!!!! See, here is the problem. He forgot to tell me that the cops near my tree KNOW about him leading me to assume that he has A CRIMINAL HISTORY! What would that history be, besides driving like a freak? You guessed it - DOMESTIC ABUSE!!!! So Fat Homo Bobby, because of YOUR OWN STUPIDITY you lost the chance to be these things. The Military and Police screen against things like this and if they show up, even if it's assault and battery of another man, you won't BE HIRED because any assult history disqualifies you IMMEDIATELY!!! Same is true for being a coach even in this rat dropping of a town, and the rub is that they know about how quick to violence he is too! Thing is he is all talk and no action. TALK IS CHEAP FAT GAY BOB AND ANYBODY ELSE THAT WANTS TO RUIN MY DREAMS FOR THAT MATTER! He cannot stand the fact that he has a go nowhere job and is married to a bitch that works at a poor man's Wal Mart and also is going nowhere. Guess that is made up for the fact he don't have to raise his kids because his wife's family, who are what the pool boy took out of the gene pool and is proof inbreeding is wrong, does all that while he sleeps on his gay ass. Good parenting there fokes! Also, Fat Gay Bob and that whole bunch of inbreds are racist chicken heads, so sadly the kids will be taught to be as narrowminded as Fat Gay Bob's asshole.
Also, he cannot stand the fact that somebody is going to achieve more than he and that bitch ever will. Well, guess what? JUST BECAUSE YOU DID SOMETHING STUPID AND RUINED YOUR LIFE DOES NOT MEAN I, OR ANYBODY ELSE FOR THAT MATTER, WILL FOLLOW YOUR FAT GAY ASS!!!! I know that he has been talking shit about me and my family, presumably to get me to fight him. Now, I could put action to his words and do some harmful stuff to Fat Gay Bob, but why? I am not going to have my dreams taken away from me just for an act of revenge and I am not going to stoop to his level, which is below shit. When Fat Gay Bob sees a new game that I had a hand in developing and his bitch has to stare at my works from behind her counter, THAT will mean more to me than any act of revenge could EVER accomplish. I think in honestly its because he and his bitch couldn't stand the fact that when I do achieve this, I would be moving out of my tree with my ex and onto a new tree out of state. They would be short one free babysitter if this happened. Well, to those bitches I say: KISS MY ASS, YOU FUCKING RETARDED BITCHES!!!
Onto Mr. "I'm going to marry your friend so now I can comment on your life". Ok for starters, I SHOULD HAVE DONE THE RIGHT THING AND TOLD YOU IT WAS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS AND WALKED AWAY. As always, hindsite is always 20/20. However, I was stupid and out of respect for my friend I listened. What I listened to was the most uneducated and misinformed dribble I have ever heard in my rabid and insane life. For starters, what difference did it make to him that I was heading to NJ to see my friend? He acted like I was going to fuck her. Well that is none of his lame, dumb ass business if I did or not. Thing is, I don't know him and what fucking right is it for him to make a opinion on what I do or not? Answer to him - NONE!!!!
Then he said that he and my friend make $3,000 a month and I make maybe $800 a month. I guess he forgot "and my friend" part because he was acting as though that is what he made total a month, NOT AS A COMBINED TOTAL!!! Besides, if you made that much why the fuck are you driving.. oh take that back.. WHY THE FUCK IS MY FRIEND DRIVING A BEAT UP CAR WHEN IT IS OBVIOUS THAT YOU BOTH CAN AFFORD BETTER?!!! Again, TALK IS CHEAP, DICK HEAD. I can say I have oodles of money which this guy, who I swear is like Fat Gay Bob's dad - a drunk lush, thinks I tell ladies online. Thing is, and if he claims to know what I do on here he'd know, I DON'T SAY ANYTHING OF THE SORT!!!! I don't lie and say "I make shitloads of money", I will when I become a game designer but money isn't why I am into game designing. For now, I work at a gas station and try not to infect people with my rabies. I tell that to all the ladies I am interested in that I work and go to school. A far cry from saying I am a "Million dollar roller with lots of bling bling". Also, SAYING you make $3,000 and MAKING $3,000 a month is TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. Besides... I doubt they pay people to drink beer anyways...
As for looking for a local lady, the problem with that is:
- The women around here are greedy rich bitches that won't look at a guy that don't make more than $100,000 A WEEK! Greedy ass bitches....
- The women around here are after a dick so they can get pregnant and get child support. Not something I'd want as a permanent relationship....
- The women around here are stuck up bitches that won't give an adorable rabid monkey that loves cheese a second glance. They much rather find a Brad Pitt looking guy... never mind the fact the guys that look like that around here know this and use it as a tool to get some free sex. Read my last post and lets play "Ring around the dumb bitches that love being played while the nice guys blow off their own mellons for the music!"
- The women around here are Hooked on Phonics and Methamphetamine (Governor Ballsack Edition).
- The women around here resemble what the pool boy took out of the gene pool with the IQ to match. Go back to Fat Gay Bob's bite for more details...
- Anybody that is not in those catagories are already married, have boyfriends, or fall into those catagories AND are married or have boyfriends.
I guess he was trying to get me back with my ex since he knew her and her dad. That should have been my warning to leave and tell him to eat a dick. THEN he said that what I do for online classes is nothing. Well, FUCK YOU YA DRUNK FUCK. Apparently he has lived in a cave for the last 20 years. He would have known that the ONLY DIFFERENCE between ACTUALLY GOING to a college and GOING to a college ONLINE is that I AM NOT PHYSICALLY THERE IN A COLLEGE AND THAT THE GRADES, WORK, ETC ARE EXACTLY THE SAME AND ARE TREATED AS SUCH OUTSIDE THE COLLEGE, ONLINE OR NOT, IN THAT THING HE DON'T LIVE IN CALLED THE REAL WORLD!!!! He mentioned colleges to go to around here... problem is THEY OFFER ONLINE CLASSES TOO AND THEY DON'T OFFER GAME DESIGNING!!!!! What a dumb fuck... but out of respect for my friend, I couldn't tell him that. So if he is reading this, I say: Put the beer bottle down, and do this thing called "research" BEFORE you say something to somebody. That way you don't look like the dumb fuck you are. So when I make $50,000 A MONTH as a game designer, programmer, or whatever, don't come my way for a free beer... you got your money so go fuck yourself. Also, I seriously doubt he "knows" what I do online because when I pressed him, he backed off like I was calling his bluff. Either that or he remembered it was time for him to ingest another keg of beer....
For a major note - CALL MY FRIEND IN NEW JERSEY OR ANY OF MY FEMALE / MALE FRIENDS A BITCH IS A SUPER FAST AND EASY WAY TO FIND OUT WHAT ITS LIKE TO HAVE HAND AND DICK WELTS ALL OVER YOU WHILE WAITING IN LINE FOR THE RABIES ANTIDOTE!!!!! That is what set me off more than the fact I should have just left. Mind you, the above mentioned is just words. I AM NOT GOING TO THROW MY LIFE AWAY FOR A DRUNK PIECE OF SHIT OR ANYBODY FOR THAT MATTER. Again, in respect to my friend, I will not do anything for revenge. I won't be his bud away from my friend, but I will around her just because I have upmost respect for her. So he can take his "advice" that is severely misinformed, his $2,200 a month in Monopoly money AND SHOVE IT UP HIS DRUNK CANDY ASS!!!! OR BETTER YET - PLAY BEND OVER AND LET THE TRAIN IN WITH FAT GAY BOB!!!!
So to roll this shit up and burn it - IF YOU DON'T LIKE WHAT I AM DOING WITH MY LIFE - SHUT UP, KEEP YOUR RETARDED ASS OPINIONS TO YOURSELF AND FUCK OFF!!! I know that my leach bro means well, but I am not going to stop what I do because he heard or thinks its a joke. This is MY life, insane as it may be. Fat Gay Bob and Beer Tester can wallow in the shit they are in, but I am not going to do the same because they think I should. Maybe Beer Tester means well, but it was extremely compromised, if not discarded when he called my dear friend in New Jersey a bitch. Also because most of what he said was second hand info he got from my friend he is marrying, it couldn't be taken seriously as he truly does not know me. I give mad props and love to those, such as my dear woman in NJ, that are behind me with my dreams. I will NEVER forget you that are beind me with my dreams, EVER.
NEVER listen to those who would tell you not to follow your dreams and NEVER do things to compromise them. Otherwise you will be like Fat Gay Bob or Beer Tester and wake up one day and look in the mirror and your content turns into resentment. Resentment that you didn't do what you wanted to do with your life because you listened to assholes like Fat Gay Bob and Beer Tester. Regret so bad, you want to have the reflection in the mirror kick your ass a hunderd times over. The choices I MAKE and decisions I must make are for ME to make ALONE. Fuck off if you don't like it. You have your own life, go fuck it up by yourself but leave me out of that clusterfuck!!!
Now where is that rest stop? I need to piss....