Religion - The Best Way To Push Your Stupidity
Ok Fellow Rabid Cheese Monkey Insaniteers... Yes I know I have been gone for a couple weeks... fucking rabies double vision again... oh no wait... that was because of that mad crazy beer party... Well anyways, fuck you... I never gave ya a guarantee in writing I'd do this weekly! Besides, your fellow partner in insanity is trying to get some.. and discovering that life after marriage is worse than finding out you were married to begin with... but thats another rant, and not why we are all gathered here...
Alright.. I suppose by now you have heard about Terri Schiavo and that cluster fuck that went on in Florida. If you haven't, you must be living in a cave with a rock on your head. Anyways, that poor lady passed away after years of being in a vegetative state. Now, this would have normally not even blipped on any radar...
But guess what? [insert Dragnet theme here] FOR SOME FUCKING REASON BEYOND EVEN MY INSANITY AND RABIES, THIS GOT MORE ATTENTION THAN WHAT WAS CALLED FOR!!!! Why is that? For starters this clusterfuck was in Florida. Now earlier I said that Hollywood was the special ed capitol of the world... Well guess what? Florida is the Club Med of Retards! I swear... Florida has more idiots and old farts per capita than any place in the cosmos. Also Jeb Bush, George W. "nu-cu-lar" Bush's brother, was being a camera hog in order to probably run for prez in 4 years.... and if that happens, don't bitch at me because I higly doubt any Bush would read my shit anyways...
All that aside, the thing that pissed me off the most was something that was thrown into the spotlight from the beginning... that being religion. Now, before God decides to strike me in my tree with bolts of lightning again (Remember fokes - Surge Protectors are your best friend!) let me say that it wasn't the religion or the belief of a set religion that pissed me off. What pissed me off is that religion was USED as a means to push this shit pile to the front of the national spotlight. Also, what makes me foaming mad... oh wait.. thats the rabies... is the fact people are USING religions as a means to GET RICH!!!!!
Let me start from the beginning. Terri Schiavo was for all extensive purposes brain dead. Her brain was unable to operate on even the most simplest of levels. The fact she was alive, or even allowed to live this long, was in fact a miracle of modern science. If this shit was to have happened 20 years ago, she would have been dead and this wouldn't have bliped on any radar. Science, however, has evolved to the point where life can be sustained when, and there is the rub, it shouldn't. It made me mad to hear her parents, who must still have thought Terri was still only 10, think she was alive! News flash you [Cuss-A-ThonĀ©] mutha fuckas! IF I WAS TO HOOK UP A BOWL OF JELLO TO ALL THE SHIT SHE WAS HOOKED UP TO, THAT BOWL OF JELLO WOULD BE CLINICALLY ALIVE!!!!! THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THAT BOWL OF JELLO WOULD BE A BILLION TIMES SMARTER THAN YOU BASTARDS!!!! I am not bull shitting you here... somebody ACTUALLY did hook up a bowl of Jello to life support systems and it ACTUALLY REGISTERED LIFE!!!! What does that mean? It means that you can save a body from dying... but the body can be void of life.
Her family kept babbling that she was alive and knew what was going on... Sorry, no she didn't. They were trying to hold onto something and looking for any and all reasons to hold onto when the best thing to do is let her go. But they turned against her husband... How Christian like! Lets show the world that God loves through HATE!!! YOU MUTHER FUCKING RETARDS!!!! GOD DOES NOT HATE YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITES!!!! Legally, it was up to the husband to do it, but the parents of Terri kept getting in the way.. all in the name of God... all the while looking stupid and doing things that God and Jesus would NOT do... If God had ANYTHING to do with this, she would have died on that operating table, not be hooked up to machines till she died. They kept thinking that someday she would come out of it... or Science would cure it... well, the "come out of it" part would never have happened considering how badly damaged her brain was... and Science, well... I think it would have been a long time before that happened, if ever...
Meanwhile, and the real point here is - What kind of life did she have? All she could do is sit and lay there.. not be able to communicate, not be able to do anything for herself, not be able to feel or move, not be able to actually enjoy life even in the most simplest things. Her fokes said all sorts of shit, but the truth is they simply didn't want to let her go. They didn't want to acknowledge that her time was up and wanted her around even if she suffered and they didn't know. My view on life isn't whether or not you have a pulse, but how you enjoy and interact with the time you have on your clock. But rather than admit that even a foaming mad monkey that has rabies and loves cheese knows this, they held on and wouldn't let go. That ultimately is going to cost them... they now have such bitterness in their hearts over her husband that no true happiness is ever going to come into their lives... Furthermore, they are sooo misguided that they don't even realize that the path they are on is the path to nowhere.
But, fuck all that... now these people are going to try to turn their tragedy into money!! The mom and dad must be thinking "Terri died so we may profit... where's our book deal?" THAT MAKES ME SICK!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU AND THIS SOCIETY?!!! HAVE YOU MISSED THE POINT AND DON'T CARE ABOUT THE HURT, JUST ABOUT THE GREEN BACKS?!!! God... that would make perfect sense as to why you didn't want her to die soon.. had to make sure the movie deal was signed first... But that is just flat out wrong! What makes it even more appalling is that you use God's name in this to make more green! Just like that family who lost their daughter in the Colombine High School Shooting & Profit Plan, calling her a martyr when all she said was yes to a question! Hey, ass fucking retards - if she was asked "Do you believe in Satan?" and was shot after saying yes, would that make her a martyr for Satan? Oh no... you wouldn't be able to make a single dollar off that book... but don't worry, Satan has a nice spot for you in hell for your stupidity. Anybody that lost somebody there tryed to make a buck.. and anybody that spoke against it got sued.. well fuck you retards.. I think you are a bunch of greedy fucks and try to sue me will only get you pimp and dick slapped while you wait in line for the rabies antidote!!!
GOD IS NOT FOR PROFIT, GOD IS FOR FAITH!!!!!! WE MORN TRAGEDIES NOT PROFIT FROM THEM FINANCIALLY!!!!!! I find it sad, sick, and wrong that people like Terri's family and such try to make money off their suffering and use God's name for it. People that do this shit end up getting fucked in the end.. and rightfully so...
So to smoke this shit... don't use God to profit. Don't use tragedies to make cash. It only makes you look like a bunch of greedy fucks if you do. America should morn tragedies and move on, not try to make a quick buck and blacken the name of religion with stupidity like this.
Now excuse me while I put a lightning rod on my tree and plug myself into a surge protector...
Alright.. I suppose by now you have heard about Terri Schiavo and that cluster fuck that went on in Florida. If you haven't, you must be living in a cave with a rock on your head. Anyways, that poor lady passed away after years of being in a vegetative state. Now, this would have normally not even blipped on any radar...
But guess what? [insert Dragnet theme here] FOR SOME FUCKING REASON BEYOND EVEN MY INSANITY AND RABIES, THIS GOT MORE ATTENTION THAN WHAT WAS CALLED FOR!!!! Why is that? For starters this clusterfuck was in Florida. Now earlier I said that Hollywood was the special ed capitol of the world... Well guess what? Florida is the Club Med of Retards! I swear... Florida has more idiots and old farts per capita than any place in the cosmos. Also Jeb Bush, George W. "nu-cu-lar" Bush's brother, was being a camera hog in order to probably run for prez in 4 years.... and if that happens, don't bitch at me because I higly doubt any Bush would read my shit anyways...
All that aside, the thing that pissed me off the most was something that was thrown into the spotlight from the beginning... that being religion. Now, before God decides to strike me in my tree with bolts of lightning again (Remember fokes - Surge Protectors are your best friend!) let me say that it wasn't the religion or the belief of a set religion that pissed me off. What pissed me off is that religion was USED as a means to push this shit pile to the front of the national spotlight. Also, what makes me foaming mad... oh wait.. thats the rabies... is the fact people are USING religions as a means to GET RICH!!!!!
Let me start from the beginning. Terri Schiavo was for all extensive purposes brain dead. Her brain was unable to operate on even the most simplest of levels. The fact she was alive, or even allowed to live this long, was in fact a miracle of modern science. If this shit was to have happened 20 years ago, she would have been dead and this wouldn't have bliped on any radar. Science, however, has evolved to the point where life can be sustained when, and there is the rub, it shouldn't. It made me mad to hear her parents, who must still have thought Terri was still only 10, think she was alive! News flash you [Cuss-A-ThonĀ©] mutha fuckas! IF I WAS TO HOOK UP A BOWL OF JELLO TO ALL THE SHIT SHE WAS HOOKED UP TO, THAT BOWL OF JELLO WOULD BE CLINICALLY ALIVE!!!!! THE ONLY DIFFERENCE IS THAT BOWL OF JELLO WOULD BE A BILLION TIMES SMARTER THAN YOU BASTARDS!!!! I am not bull shitting you here... somebody ACTUALLY did hook up a bowl of Jello to life support systems and it ACTUALLY REGISTERED LIFE!!!! What does that mean? It means that you can save a body from dying... but the body can be void of life.
Her family kept babbling that she was alive and knew what was going on... Sorry, no she didn't. They were trying to hold onto something and looking for any and all reasons to hold onto when the best thing to do is let her go. But they turned against her husband... How Christian like! Lets show the world that God loves through HATE!!! YOU MUTHER FUCKING RETARDS!!!! GOD DOES NOT HATE YOU FUCKING HYPOCRITES!!!! Legally, it was up to the husband to do it, but the parents of Terri kept getting in the way.. all in the name of God... all the while looking stupid and doing things that God and Jesus would NOT do... If God had ANYTHING to do with this, she would have died on that operating table, not be hooked up to machines till she died. They kept thinking that someday she would come out of it... or Science would cure it... well, the "come out of it" part would never have happened considering how badly damaged her brain was... and Science, well... I think it would have been a long time before that happened, if ever...
Meanwhile, and the real point here is - What kind of life did she have? All she could do is sit and lay there.. not be able to communicate, not be able to do anything for herself, not be able to feel or move, not be able to actually enjoy life even in the most simplest things. Her fokes said all sorts of shit, but the truth is they simply didn't want to let her go. They didn't want to acknowledge that her time was up and wanted her around even if she suffered and they didn't know. My view on life isn't whether or not you have a pulse, but how you enjoy and interact with the time you have on your clock. But rather than admit that even a foaming mad monkey that has rabies and loves cheese knows this, they held on and wouldn't let go. That ultimately is going to cost them... they now have such bitterness in their hearts over her husband that no true happiness is ever going to come into their lives... Furthermore, they are sooo misguided that they don't even realize that the path they are on is the path to nowhere.
But, fuck all that... now these people are going to try to turn their tragedy into money!! The mom and dad must be thinking "Terri died so we may profit... where's our book deal?" THAT MAKES ME SICK!!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU AND THIS SOCIETY?!!! HAVE YOU MISSED THE POINT AND DON'T CARE ABOUT THE HURT, JUST ABOUT THE GREEN BACKS?!!! God... that would make perfect sense as to why you didn't want her to die soon.. had to make sure the movie deal was signed first... But that is just flat out wrong! What makes it even more appalling is that you use God's name in this to make more green! Just like that family who lost their daughter in the Colombine High School Shooting & Profit Plan, calling her a martyr when all she said was yes to a question! Hey, ass fucking retards - if she was asked "Do you believe in Satan?" and was shot after saying yes, would that make her a martyr for Satan? Oh no... you wouldn't be able to make a single dollar off that book... but don't worry, Satan has a nice spot for you in hell for your stupidity. Anybody that lost somebody there tryed to make a buck.. and anybody that spoke against it got sued.. well fuck you retards.. I think you are a bunch of greedy fucks and try to sue me will only get you pimp and dick slapped while you wait in line for the rabies antidote!!!
GOD IS NOT FOR PROFIT, GOD IS FOR FAITH!!!!!! WE MORN TRAGEDIES NOT PROFIT FROM THEM FINANCIALLY!!!!!! I find it sad, sick, and wrong that people like Terri's family and such try to make money off their suffering and use God's name for it. People that do this shit end up getting fucked in the end.. and rightfully so...
So to smoke this shit... don't use God to profit. Don't use tragedies to make cash. It only makes you look like a bunch of greedy fucks if you do. America should morn tragedies and move on, not try to make a quick buck and blacken the name of religion with stupidity like this.
Now excuse me while I put a lightning rod on my tree and plug myself into a surge protector...