Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Trial Of The Century.. Before the Next Trial Of The Century

Welcome once again to the Rabid Cheese Monkey's Weekly Mad Rant... We are going live up into the tree the Rabid Cheese Monkey calls home. As we enter we see him... OH MY GOD! What is he doing?!!

Hey?! What the fuck?! Can't you see I am fucking this chick?! Oh shit! That's right... Time for you people I call my fans to hear my shit... and whoever hates me, fuck you.. I don't fucking care about you haters....

Ok... I suppose by now everybody and their momma has heard of the "Trial of the century".. that being... Well, fuck... how many have we had so far??? First it was OJ "Finding the Real Killer" Simpson, then it was that fertilizer salesman Scott "Shit Selling Playboy" Peterson, then that fucking actor.. fuck me if I know him or what his name is.. NOW its Michael "Plastic" Jackson... My fucking God, how many dumb ass trials have there been so far that the media has hyped up and bascally made a big stink about and shoved down our throats??!

Its not the verdicts or whether or not these people are guilty or innocent, what jacks my ass is THE AMOUNT OF ATTENTION THESE RETARDED SPECTACLES GET WHEN ULTIMATELY THEY AMOUNT TO SHIT!!! I am just sick of it! Its like everybody wants to see some trial of some celebrity or some sadistic shit salesman.. I take it back... NOBODY REALLY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THESE TRIALS AND THE ONES THAT DO CARE NEED TO GET A FUCKING LIFE!!! I don't care that Michael Jackson is on trial or what the fuck is going on there... I don't care that Scott "Shit Salesman, Eater, and Head" Peterson is going to death row for killing his wife and baby... I don't care about OJ Simpson's deal, although that was a long ass time ago... basically and I will put it in big letters so you stupider than retarded individuals can get a good understanding - I DON'T GIVE TWO SHITS AND A FUCK ABOUT TRIALS AND ANYTHING RELATED TO THEM, CELEBRITY OR OTHERWISE!!!!

Ok, let me start with ancient history with the OJ Simpson Trial. For starters, that trial was a clusterfuck from the beginning. I, to this date, have no opinion about whether or not OJ did it. If he was guilty, he would have had to time that murder to the second. Now, it strikes me that OJ cannot time an egg much less something as complex as a murder. Now if he was innocent, what was up with that "High Speed" chase that a snail could outrun? Regardless, we will never know. Why? Simply put, justice was NOT served. Not because OJ was acquitted. No, because his three lawyers from hell (Johnny Cockman, Robert Shapenis, and F Me Bailey) did the most lowdown thing they could do - TRY TO INCITE ANOTHER LA RIOT IF OJ WAS FOUND GUILTY!!!! They played the Race Card almost immediately and it just basically compromised the trial from the get go. Instead of trying to prove OJ didn't do it alone, they began stirring up people with that fucking "No Justice No Peace" shit almost all through the trial. Of course they HAD to have it in LA, where not long before it they had a riot. If I was the president at that time, I would have imposed Marshal Law throughout the trial and held OJ's "Satanic Dream Team" responsible if anything happened if the trial didn't go the way they wanted. At any rate, regardless of OJ's guilt or innocence, justice was not served.

Sooo.. that was the "Trial of the Century" for the 20th century... forget the Nazi trials and historical shit.. OJ is more important than that shit... OJ, who has the historical relevance of my shit, is SOOO much more important than all the other bad things that have happened before it. But now, here it is 2005 and ALREADY we have ANOTHER "Trial of the Century"?!!! Those being that Robert Blake, Scott Peterson, and Michael Jackson??? Ok, the Robert Blake one, I will make it short - Nobody gave a fuck about it because he was small potatoes.. and the verdict was the same : Nobody gave a fuck.

But let me bite my rabies into the whole Scott "Peter"son deal. Let me give ya a background in case you've lived in a cave the last few decades with a rock on your head or just got out of a coma (mad props to Jeanna Giese for surviving rabies... now if they could cure me.. no fuck that, I LOVE RABIES AND INSANITY! ...and cheese) - sometime like a few years ago, Scott Petereaterson said that his wife went missing while he went fishing. So, a massive search began. well they found her and the baby dead on some shore. So, Scott Peterlickerson got arrested and he had his trial. Now, I should mention, Scotty sold fertilizer (aka shit) and was fucking around on Lacy with this lady that just screams "Fuck me, I am a hooker"... well I guess selling shit works for you Scott.. but the jury and judge didn't buy your shit and now you are going to get raped where you shit till California decides to kill you... that being a billion years from now after the Great Ape Council puts you to death so Darth Vader can finally use his brand new TiVo Luke gave him for Christmas (Now called "Spend Yourself to Debt Day" since the ACLU said all holidays had to be renamed for the hell of it).

Anyways.. all through this clusterfuck I couldn't escape hearing about this shit. The guy sold shit and acted like he was smoking some weird shit. I seriously cannot believe this got one billionth of the attention that it did. Ok, it was sad that Lacy and the baby died... but this shit happens all over America and I don't see it plastered all over... He fucked some lady? So what.. again, this shit happens everywhere.. He tricked the public? Ok, again so what.. why did it even get dragged into the public? Oh I know why.. because its California and this happened in an "Average" (read - Wealthy) community. Guess if you have money, that makes it worth the shit.. NO IT DON'T, IT STILL MEANS SHIT!!! No matter how you look at it, there really isn't anything significant about this whole Scotty the Shit Sailor Man that made it worth all the fucking shit that was thrown on us. I do find it funny though how these 2 families are tearing at each other, like its some kind of Royal Rumble... and proving that when it comes to tragedy everybody should profit except the actual victim. Lacy and her baby can rest in peace knowing that her family and Scott's family will make money off their deaths... AND IF I GET IN THE SAME ROOM WITH THESE RETARDED [Swear-A-ThonĀ©] (... yes I am lazy...) FUCKERS, I AM GOING TO BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF ALL OF THEM AND GIVE THEM DICK AND HAND WELTS ALL OVER ALONG WITH MY RABIES!!!!!!!!!! Hope you retarded fucks live in the lap of luxury and then one day wake up and realize your stupidity..... then fall off the lap and into the toilet luxury was taking a shit in.

Now for Michael Jackoffson... Ok, I said earlier I won't comment on whether or not he is guilty or innocent, and I plan on keeping my word... but what I am pissed about is how this has been nothing more than a huge publicity stunt for Michael since day one! Nobody seems to care that this is about whether he is a child molester or not.. it has been about Ol' MJ and his stupid little stunts he does on a daily basis because all the plastic he has on gives him a buzz 24/7. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK, RATS ASS, AND 3 SHITS WHO,WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, AND HOW ABOUT MICHAEL JACKSON AND/OR HIS ACTS HE PULLS FOR ATTENTION!!!! The guy is no longer the "King of Pop", he is now the "King of Wash Outs" and whether or not he is found guilty, his next album will be a bomb. This attention he is getting is HURTING NOT HELPING him. I wish the media would stop the "We are now seeing Michael Jackson going into the bathroom to take a shit" shit... There are more important things in this world than him. Besides, I think he shits Legos...

So to wrap this joint up and smoke it... These "publicized" trials in the grand scheme of things don't amount to shit. There are more important things than shit like that. Talk about the war in Iraq, about the economy, about the environment, hell even about the weather... Just don't waste my time about these courtroom spectacles and let justice be done the old fashioned way - by a jury and judge.

Now get the fuck out of my tree and let me finish fucking this chick before my drugs wear off!!!

And now onto Lee with sports scores....

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Holly -Retarded- Wood - Fake and Stupidity on Film

Howdy all ya Rabid Cheese Monkey fans.. and fuck you haters, I never forget you fuckers... Time for your weekly infection of rabies and insanity from everybody's adorable insane monkey that has rabies and loves cheese... and starting to wonder why the fuck its so hard to get pussy.. but your not here to hear why this monkey went insane.. without further delay....

Ok.. guess its time to launch a rabid bite attack on the mecha of stupidity and retardedness that I loathe so much. Thats right.. Time for RCM to pack his shit and infect Hollywood... Land of shit and stupidity itself. Where dumbness and fakeness flows like milk and honey.. and I just would love to infect them all with rabies.

It seems like this society of ours is built not around the concept of "by the people, for the people" anymore.. seems to be centered around the retarded, ludicrous shit the people in BlowWood push on us. Who the fuck came up with "Political Retarded Correctness"? Hollywood. Who do we see motivate people to vote? Hollywood. Who do we hear bitch, whine and complain about things in this society? Hollywood. Who do we pay more attention to when it comes to anything.. Styles, music, political stances, what to buy, etc... Fucking right! Hollywood. Its like Hollywood has gone from making movies to being pretty much the government....

My bitch and major problem is just that... We pay WAY TOO MUCH attention to the retarded stunts in Hollywood we forget that there is much more important things in life than the break up of these stars or who fucked who. I can't go into a store without seeing magazines and shit that have in big letters "Jessica Simpson and Nick Lashe failed sex ed again when Nick stuck his dick in a light socket and Jessica thought it was suppose to go in there" or "Jennifer Lopez is caught fucking Donald Trump and the marriage between her and Bill Gates is over since she spent him into debt" Its like this, and I am going to put it in big letters for those slow retards.. no wait.. retards are geniuses compared to these ass lickers... to understand :


Let me start by telling you a couple classic examples... Ever watch "Armageddon" and/or "Deep Impact"? Ok, in case you have been living in a cave with a rock on your head... Both have the same identical plots : a huge asteroid is coming to smash Earth... and these scientist hire a bunch of special ed students that coincidently are big ticket actors/actress and are sent up to blow up the rock. Oh yeah.. two teens fuck like monkeys and that saves the world somehow because the people shot in space somehow get the motivation to blow the rock up... oh yeah.. they only have like a week to train, go up and blow it to hell... Anyways, when these movies were released all I saw on TV was "what would happen if this became a reality?"... People actually BELIEVED that what happened in the movie could be done to save Earth in the event it did happen. That if we had 2 weeks to 6 months to know if a huge ass ass-troid, we could stop it like it was done in these movies...

Guess what? EVEN IF WE HAD ONE YEAR TO KNOW ABOUT IT, ALL WE COULD DO IS SIT BACK AND SMILE... BECAUSE WE WOULD BE MASSIVELY AND COMPLETELY FUCKED!!!!!! WE WOULD NEED MORE TIME AND WE DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH NUKES ON THE PLANET TO BLOW UP A SMALL ASTEROID MUCH LESS A HUGE ASTEROID COMING OUR WAY!!! Its like this - It takes a week to even MOVE any space shuttle, and it takes MONTHS to train even a seasoned pilot to fly a shuttle... and significantly LONGER if you hire a bunch of inexperienced monkeys to do it. So by the time you get even this all done, if we had just a couple weeks then we'd already be fucked. And if we had 6 months, then by the time the pilots got up there it'd be too late because by the time they got onto the asteroid, they'd already be in the earth's atmosphere! But lets not forget... Government red tape, getting the money, making sure everything is even in half decent order, making sure parts are duck taped correctly, and of course waiting for it to be a sunny day.. well lets just kiss our asses good bye.. be faster... OH but here is something to chew on... IF the Media found out and told the world we would be fucked one year from now, by the time the asteroid (or evil aliens or whatever cataclysm comes to earth in the movies) there would hardly be any people left anyways. Why? BECAUSE EVERYBODY WOULD GO APE SHIT AND KILL ONE ANOTHER AND LOOT AND RIOT LONG BEFORE THE SHIT ACTUALLY HAPPENS!!! I am more afraid of what people would do if they found out tomorrow won't happen than I do an asteroid, global warming, and ass-probing aliens combined.. Ok, nevermind the ass-probing aliens... that scares me more.

The point here is that the laws of science, the land, and reality in general take the far back seat on the short bus that America is on. People know this, but still believe the shit Hollywood spits out because of its so-called power. Don't believe me? Ask yourself : If all the scientists in the world were at your door and were telling you one thing. Then some famous singer like Brittney "Oops, I fucked on you again with 50,000 men" Spears - who can't even spell science - was telling you the opposite. Never mind the fact you see the cue cards she is reading and them coaching her. Who would you believe? Guess what? YOU WOULD BELIEVE BRITNEY "OOPS I HAVE STDS AGAIN" SPEARS OVER THE SCIENTISTS!!!! Why? Strictly because you know who that bitch is and don't know many scientists. Its the game of reconition that takes a beating when it comes to common sense and logic here folks.

But what really pisses the fuck out of me is how these bastards push their ideology on us and most people are stupid enough to follow it! Who came up with Political Correctness? Hollydick did, and then pushed it onto us. Now I can't say "black", I have to say "African American". Can't say "Indian", I have to say "Native American". Can't say "mexican" have to say "Hispanic American"..OK FUCK THIS SHIT! I AM GOING TO SAY IT LIKE IT IS - THEY ARE AMERICANS PERIOD. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHERE THEY COME FROM, THEY LIVE HERE THEY ARE AMERICANS!!!! Oh I will respect where they came from, but otherwise they are just americans. I am not going to sugar coat anything, either they are americans or they are visitors, simple and concise. Fuck this "XXXX - American" shit.

Also, HollyShit has come up with that fucking "Animal Rights" shit. Ok, let me make this clear - I think being mean to animals is like being mean to a human, but that isn't going to stop me from eating meat or go vegetarian. Its like this : for every animal you don't eat, I'll eat three. If you ban my meat, I'll go cannibal and eat vegetarians. Now these retards come up with the most weak ass reasons not to eat meat and most if not all is bull shit. Mad Cow Disease? I am rabid and insane, I am not going to notice the difference if I get it. Causes Heart Attacks and makes us fat? Well, if I kept going to McFartDroppings then I can see your point, but I seldom do. Besides, if you don't exercise, then guess what? YOU WILL GET FAT! Most of what these RetardoWood people say as science and stuff is false anyways, so why listen? Guess a lot of retarded fuckers do....

Then they do the most retarded things to get attention, and scream bloody murder when they DO get the attention! They bitch about the camera people all around them, wanting privacy... Yet they have NO problem pulling shit like getting married 24 hrs or pulling some stupid shit stunt. Here is a question to ya : WHY THE FUCK DID YOU BECOME FAMOUS WHEN YOU KNEW DAMN WELL THAT PRIVACY ISN'T A LUXURY YOU CAN BUY OR GET ANYMORE THE SECOND YOU DID BECOME FAMOUS?!!! God, these stars are retarded... and I know this : If the poperazi stopped, they couldn't last a week, much less a year before they screamed bloody murder that they miss it!!! Celebs in DumbWood love attention even if they don't admit it... they are a bunch of ADD people we go see because we get bored....

Guess what I am saying here is that America needs to remind Hollywood WE put them there and the only reason we put them there is to ENTERTAIN us NOT GIVE US THERE TWO SHITS ABOUT THEIR VIEW ON THE WORLD TO FOLLOW!!!! I am just sick of this Idol worshiping we do to these dumb retarded fucks... Its time we as a nation realize we have our own minds and we can think for ourselves. We DON'T need Hollywood and its fake and phony shit to guide us. We have survived without it long before now, I am pretty positive we can survive without it now.

And if I end up on the Walk of Fame... Be afraid.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

American "False" Idol - Who wants to be the next One Hit Wonder?

Howdy all ya infected with rabies fans of mine... and fuck all ya haters twice... Time for this weeks bite from your rabid monkey up in a tree who loves cheese, pussy, and... cheese...

Ok... I have discovered something amazing while up in my tree... see I discovered that TV has more shit on besides my regular shows. Those regular shows being all 3 CSIs, CBS News, Red Dwarf, Red Green, Doctor Who, and Andromeda (Woolvett and Bertram look soooo cute together).... I discovered that there is shit on... and by shit I mean MAJOR shit.. Shit that makes me want to go and bitch and dick slap the makers of these shows soooo hard, they will have permanent hand and mushroom prints on them. That shit being over Reality TV.. More specifically American Idol...

Ok, in case you have been like me (besides being rabid and insane...) and not give a fuck about television, let me fill you in on what this donkey cluster fuck show this is : Its a show where a bunch of people go and sing... and after 3 judges say their shit... people vote which one will be the winner. This "winner" will be the next "American Idol" and will live in the halls of music like Eminem, Michael Jackson (and NO I WILL NOT comment about that trial.. I am going to do the intelligent thing and WAIT till the verdict comes out to decide IF he is guilty or not) and Elvis... somebody we will think of when it comes to music.. this "winner" will live the life of a real idol...


For starters... [wind up and the pitch.... ] I have this to say about these "potential Idols"... THE TRUTH IS - WIN, LOSE OR DRAW, THESE FALSE IDOLS WILL AMOUNT TO NOTHING!!! THEY ARE GOING TO LIVE THE LIFE OF A IDOL ALRIGHT... A FUCKING ONE HIT BLUNDER IDOL THAT IS!!!! [ ....and its out of the park!!!!! ] Jesus titty fucking Christ... I have never in my insane, rabid life seen such a farce before. Ok, so they can sing? SO FUCKING WHAT?! They look great? SO FUCKING WHAT?! They got voted to go on in some game show? SO FUCKING WHAT?! Well... they... Yes?... They... Got voted by the national public as the next American Idol? Well...Ok..SO MUTHA FUCKING WHAT?!!! Is this registering in your head yet? It doesn't matter if they can sing, dance, and get voted as the next "idol"... what matters isn't all that shit... ITS WHAT THEY SING AND HOW THEY SING THAT MATTERS AND OF COURSE THE BIGGEST ENEMY OF ALL - TIME!!!!

See, what people forget is that "American Idols" are BOTH MADE AND BORN.. they aren't just "Hey you won a game show.. you're now the number one person in America because America says so..." No, people that become idols like Eminem and Ashanti had to do something these wantabes didn't do... they HAD TO WORK FOR IT!!! They had to work, refine, work, rewrite, work, restage, work, rework, work... oh and for Christmas? You fucking guessed it! They WORKED! Nothing these Karioke Contest Winners did...oh no.. they just did their monkey dance on a stage.. got judged by 2 has beens and 1 guy who suffers from Smallpenisitius and even HE don't know jack shit about music.. and had America, who has the attention span of a nat and the collective IQ of my rabies foam, vote who sucks the most then vote for who sung the best... oh yes... these "idols" worked soooo hard.... NO FUCK THAT FUCKING [Swear-A-ThonĀ©] SHIT IN THE ASS!!! THIS JUST PROVES HOW RIGHT I AM... THESE "IDOLS" WORKED HARD AT NOTHING.. IT WAS JUST HANDED TO THEM, AND THUS WILL BE FORGOTTEN JUST AS FAST!!!

Even IF it was just handed to them, there needs to be more to them than just "they won a game show".. that being some key essential that they don't have... that is TALENT!!! See, people like Kelly Clarkson and Clay Akien (who BTW DIDN'T WIN the second American Blow Job Idol.. yet got more reconition than the winner...) are nothing more than brain dead retarded puppets that have to have music WRITTEN FOR THEM in order for their so called talent to be seen... Whatever music is written for them, they will sing even if their musical style goes up and down like the dicks they had to suck to get there. So, that means they WILL NEVER have a set style for reconition.. they just keep going with the flow and won't go against it otherwise they will be heading for Obsurityville faster than they got there... and thats IF they survive the next "American Dick Sucker Idol" season and are remembered. People that ARE ACTUAL idols DON'T GET SPOON FED 1/1,000,000th THE SAME WAY THESE POSERS ARE. Look at everybody that came before it... Most, if not all, had to both sing AND write their shit... and whats more they stayed with one style a long ass time before going another way. Not this "Ok, today my monkey, your song will be a pseudo-punk rock song. Tomorrow, you will sing a dance floor song before next week you sing country..." fucking shit these bums do... they follow the pop trend TOO DAMN CLOSE to MAKE a trend.

Biggest catch before they get to that point is they have to go through the "Judges"... Simon "Tiny Knob" Cowell, Paula "Was a Crack Whore before this"Abdoul, and Randy 'Rejected by the Fat Boys because he was too damn fat' Jackson. OH HOLY DONKEY SHOW ON A LANDMINE FIELD! THOSE 3 JUST REEK "ABLE TO FIND TALENT"... AND IF YOU BUY THAT SHIT, THEN I GOT AN OCEAN VIEW UP IN MY TREE NEXT TO ELVIS AND JIMMY HOFFA!!! THOSE 3 RETARDED CHIMPS COULDN'T FIND TALENT EVEN IF I PUT THE WORD 'TALENT' ON A POST-IT NOTE AND STUCK IT TO THEIR ASSES!!!! Let me bust this shit down and when I find pics of these 3 ass cum tarts and know how to put them on this shit.. (I know HTML.. not so familiar about this Blog deal...) I'll stick them to their bite...

Ass-Tard #1) Simon Cowell - Ok the only shit he's got going for him is his mean ass remarks... Hey, I say you're a fuck head with a dick so small God thought it was a hair and was about this close of ripping it off ya... Don't see me on TV.. Guess you don't like it when the shit is aimed your way... You can dish it out, but don't want to take it like a man.. I guess if I had a dick your size, I'd be pissed at my lot in life too...

Ass-Tard #2) Paula Abdoul - Oh fuck me running with boiling lava and broken glass... What a perfect way to find a potential idol for the masses than by getting the advice of a has been one-hit wonder? Guess they want everybody to see what they will end up being 10 years from now... I'd think it would discourage them.. but I guess the prospect of being on crack or being the blunt of jokes don't dawn on anybody till its too late....

Ass-Tard #3) Randy Jackson - God... I think my Leach brother said all that could be said about this tub of retarded lard... This guy speaks that ebonics crap.. and does it poorly and unconvincing too... Also, this guy resembles what happens when your career goal changes from "getting a album to sell at least 1 copy" to "Getting 25 Super Mega Sized meals down in 5 mins"

So... Judging by this panel of half wits... I'd say they are perfect to select the next person that will revolutionize the music industry.... ok maybe not... I wouldn't trust these three to pick the next meal to eat.. mainly because Randy Jackson would eat it all before anybody else would get it...

Ok so once they get picked by these 3 clueless judges they get voted by the audience... the entire audience that is bothering to watch the show or are sooo bored they would watch paint dry. NOW THAT is a feat of stupidity if I EVER saw one... See, the US has the attention span of a nat when it comes to Popular shit... its here today and everybody loves it...then when some new shit comes along BLAM! its over!!! Next thing you know these singers are in rehab for coke addictions and god knows what. Lord, last people I'd want to trust to pick an idol is a bunch of fanboy/girls that are sooo hopped up on the Crack known as popularity that their attention spans last only 5 min and have the memory worse than an old coot with Alzhimers. Yes.. good choice for choosing who'll be immortal for music...

Oh but the shit don't stop there... seems like the show takes delight in crushing people's feelings and hopes of becoming a musical singer. Well to those people, keep this in mind - BELIEVE IT OR NOT, THAT IS HOW MOST STARS AND REAL IDOLS STARTED OUT... BY HAVING A BUNCH OF NOBODYS TELL THEM SHIT LIKE THAT AND THEY ROSE ABOVE IT TO GIVE THEM RETARDED ASS FUCKS THE MIDDLE FINGER!!!! But naturally, all I have heard from them is bitching, whining, and complaining... Well, I know for a fact most idols didn't sit around and bitch.. they got off their ass AND TRYED AGAIN!!!! They didn't bitch they had only a limited selection of songs to sing... NO they WROTE their own and didn't depend on anybody to tell them what to sing! I guess at this rate, its a good thing you were told you sucked..we don't need another crybaby in the spotlight like Jennifer "STD Factory" Lopez.

The biggest shit pile isn't who wins or who don't or the amount of voting.. What makes me want to shit fire is what happens when they do win... that is the same thing that makes me want to bitch slap the blond out of Jessica "What hole does it go in?" Simpson and slap Nick "I don't know what a pussy hole looks like" Lashey... MOTHER FUCKING OVERKILLING OVEREXPOSURE!!!!!!! Thats right... I will hear the winner's shit played like a bazillion times on PISS FM in Des Moines (The Radio Station That Thinks The Universe Ends Outside Of Des Moines and Plays Shit Over And Over Again) and any other radio station for that matter... Its like they think that by playing it over and over again, it will burn in everybody's limited memory and make them buy the shit... Guess fucking what? NO, OVERPLAYING A SONG JUST MAKES PEOPLE NOT BUY ANYTHING AND ANNOYS THE FUCKING SHIT OUT OF ME AND ANYBODY WITH A SHRED OF MUSICAL TASTE!!!!! That's why I have a prob with Destiny's Bastard Child... I heard that fucking "Survivor" song like no less than 20 times in one day... and the fuck heads at PISS FM had such a limited memory they once played it twice in a row with no recolection that they did!!! Also hearing about them on the news and on the web also gets old rather quick rather fast... I fucking don't give two shits and a fuck that Jennifer "Hollywood Prostitute" Lopez is fucking some new richie behind husband number 1,000,000.. So this "New" Retarded Idol will fall in that same category, that being "I Gives No Fuck" Category for you slow minded people...

When the dust clears and this clusterfuck is over, what is left? Has any of these jack offs won anything? So far, no they haven't won even "Shittiest Singer In History" or anything... And only that former truck stop hooker Kelly Clarkson has actually got a #1 song.. but that only lasted like a few weeks... then since then, she hasn't made it back.. and I predict unless she goes and sucks more dick and swallows, she will never hit number one again. Thus is the fate of any future Ass Fucking Receiving Idols... IF they are even remotely lucky and love the taste of dick and cum that is....

So... To tie this condom up and flush it... American Idol is nothing more than a Hollyfuckwood retarded idea and nobody that wins will ever amount to much, save an occasional one hit wonder. If you want to be an American Idol, do it the old fashion way - Work hard, stay away from shit like drugs, and use your talent with your mind to get you to that point. Don't depend on some retarded ass show with its poster child for helping the fat and retarded judges. It will be worth it when you look back and even if you are not immortalized, you will live in happiness like the Oompa Loompas and all.

And don't expect a record from your fellow partner in insanity... I can't sing and I would give everybody in the sound booth rabies anyways....