Saturday, January 29, 2005

The Messiah you never knew you had!!!

Ok, I decided to start this shit because I was getting tired of the rampant stupidity that runs like water around here and everywhere. So, borrowing a page from my bro's ingenious mind, I decided to set this up and rant till I turn blue.... or they lock me up in the nutter bin...

Anyways... top of my stupid shit list? A little town in the middle of nowhere called Ottumwa, Iowa...

Ok... don't get me wrong... the town is alright.. it has some alright stores and all... but what really jacks my ass is the amount of stupidity that runs amuck there. Ok for those of you that have the smarts to not come to Iowa, let me fill ya in :

See, Ottumwa is suppose to be getting this deal called Bridge View Event Center... Now if you haven't heard of Ottumwa, you will now when this cluster fuck comes in. People in that town actually believe that the damn thing will bring in businesses and new people and keep the students that go to the college there (Indian Hills... or as I call it Shit Pile Hills) People think that fucking thing is some type of messiah or something for the town. Oh and some Riverboat Casino too... yeah those things are going just have people line up to come to that town....

But for the Bridge View to live, a sacrifice must be made to the Vision Iowa Gods... That Sacrifice is in the form of the demolition of the coliseum that has been around for so long, and really could have been restored and been just as useful... But I guess not... Something that is useful cannot be kept there... but something useless like a stair case to the High School should be saved because its "historic" or some shit... never mind the fact the coliseum has been around much longer than the stairs...

Let me say this as nicely as possible : WHAT THE FUCKING BLUE HELL ARE YOU RETARDS THINKING?!!! Its a fucking event center... whoop de fucking doo... I cannot see where people get off saying that Event Center will bring business or do 1/10th of what they think it will do! "Oh but it will attract businesses and visitors..." Suck my dick! Its going to do no such shit! Oh it might bring some visitors, but that's only if the damn thing brings in big ticketed events like concerts from KNOWN bands.. not local bull shit... and maybe it will bring in some money... but lets look at your other "tourist trap" you call the Beach Ottumwa... that thing isn't bringing in the cash, halfly because ticket prices are god awful high and it has the WORST security there. Mark my words - Go to Beach Ottumwa and you will get robbed if you leave shit in the changing rooms... (RCM wonders if its the local government doing it in order to pay for it...) But fuck all that... I know what's going to be playing there 5 years from now... Local shit.. Nothing worth going to see... No businesses coming in... Tourist levels remaining unchanged... And be yet another sink hole that they scratch their asses wondering why the shit don't fly...

Let me save ya 5 years and shitloads of money.... Ok, better yet.. let me tell ya what is wrong and maybe you all that are bothering to read my shit will get why I got a problem with this: Ottumwa has the highest land tax in the state. It has Cargil Meat there, a hog killing plant.. So everyday you go there, you smell something that resembles somebody cooking rotten pork. Its got an inferior college, and RCM knows this because I went there and still haven't got anything from my degree AND the nursing program has the highest FAILURE rate for the state board!!!

But the capper is the people's way of thinking. Its not alright to tear down a staircase at the high school... Oh my god!!! Can't do that!! We need those stairs because they are old as the school itself!!! When it comes to the coliseum.. ah Fuck it... we get Bridge View... No biggie... What the Fuck???!!! Its a fucking Staircase!!!! NOTHING IMPORTANT HAPPENED ON THAT STAIRCASE SO WHY THE FUCK KEEP IT?! REPLACE IT OR REPAIR IT, BUT DON'T RAISE HELL ABOUT IT ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU DON'T CARE THAT SOMETHING LIKE THE COLISEUM IS BEING TORE DOWN FOR YOUR BLASTED BRIDGE VIEW CENTER!!!!!! Furthermore, the High School is more important than the staircase.. Get your heads out your ass and get your priorities right!!!

As for all this Bridge View shit, businesses both large and small don't give a fuck about an event center... if they did, then Ottumwa would have been up the Shit River along time ago... Businesses care about LAND TAX, POPULATION, AND THE LEVEL OF INTELLIGENCE/ABILITY THE PEOPLE HAVE IN THAT TOWN NOT SOME FUCKING EVENT CENTER OR EVENTS PERIOD! Oh it might lure some prospects, but the second they see the land tax amounts.. they will bolt...

Speaking of Shit River... that Casino will fare no better... in fact it will make matters worse for Ottumwa. RCM is guessing that the purpose is to keep the money that people who work at Cargil so it don't leave the town... Wise thinking.. if your a fucking retarded ass pirate! I can tell you what will happen and I don't have ESP... Crime rate will sky rocket because those workers will go broke and need money. Dependency on government programs will rise in Ottumwa because of people lacking the cash to eat, live, etc.. reason being they gambled it all away... oh and that will be seen in a 100 mile radius of Ottumwa too... "But RCM, the casino there will give money to schools and such and will lower the land tax" Fuck off... it won't do such shit! For starts, the amount the schools get will just be a drop in the bucket compared to the total amount. Also, the government there won't lower prop taxes because they will be too busy using any extra income to strengthen the police and give to Welfare due to the negative consequences of having a casino there..and since Ottumwa isn't as big as say Des Moines, these consequences will be greatly magnified... So the real winner here would be the casino owner... everybody else gets to suck a dick....

In closing, Ottumwa loves to think they are bigger than they really are... Sad truth is that nobody outside of Iowa will know that the town exists.. Unless you watch that old TV show MASH and then you'd know because Radar lived in Ottumwa... The whole point I am making with this is that Bridge View and that Casino are not messiahs and will not be the cure all for all of Ottumwa's woes... You have to work on other things and have more to offer to businesses other than to say "Oh we have Bridge View..." As long as Ottumwa thinks these things are "cure alls", then there will never be great growth or prosperity there...

They worry that they will be the laughing stock of Iowa... I think its way too late....


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